Celery has long been known to be one of the best foods to keep the blood pressure normal.
It dilates blood vessels like most potent drugs, but without the harmful side effects.
Celery contains an ingredient acetylenics, which has been shown to stop the growth of cancer cells. Celery also contains phytochemical compounds known as coumarin, which are being shown to be useful in cancer prevention and capable of enhancing the activity of certain white blood cells.
Coumarin compounds also tone the vascular system, lower blood pressure, and may be useful in cases of migraines.
Celery is an excellent source of organic sodium, which gives it a slightly salty taste. Along with potassium, sodium helps to maintain the body’s electrolyte balance. Celery has high calcium content and can help to calm nerves.
Celery may help lower cholesterol and prevent cancer by improving detoxifying.
Celery has a calming effect on the digestive system, relieving gas and indigestion. It is also reputed to be helpful against rheumatoid arthritis and gout.
Health benefits of celery
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