Anise (Pimpinella anisum) is one do the oldest medicines and seed spices originating in the Mediterranean region.
The Romans widely cultivated anise for its fragrance, flavor and medicinal uses. Pythagoras, the six century BC mathematician and philosopher, had reportedly extolled the used of root, leaf and seeds of anise an urged its consumption, both raw an cooked. He thought that holding anise could prevent epileptic seizures.
Anise was used by Hippocrates. Hippocrates discovered a more plausible use for anise, to treat coughs. It is also mentioned by Pliny and Dioscorides.
Roman used anise to aid digestion. During Roman’s time women could expect the immediate easing of labor pain after just a whiff, and a puree of anise seed cooked with milk and barley was guaranteed to restore mother’s strength after delivery.
Dioscorides included anise in his books, recognizing it as an effective remedy for coughs, and bronchial infections, asthma, and as a carminative.
Apicius, the Roman gastronome, left a delicious recipe for pork with anise, and he may have been among those who called anise the ‘unavoidable’ herb.
In ancient Rome, wedding celebration customarily ended with the little spiced cakes called mustacae – which included anise, served to aid digestion may have been the origin of the spices weeding cakes that is served today.
During that time, Rome citizens could pay their taxes in anise seed, which the government used as a n international currency.
History of Anise in ancient Rome
Blackberry Tea: A Nutritious and Refreshing Herbal Remedy
Blackberry tea, made from the leaves or berries of the blackberry plant (*Rubus
fruticosus*), is a flavorful and health-boosting beverage. It has been