Monday, June 02, 2014

Basil – herb of the mint family

Basil is a leafy herb of the mint family that grown primarily in Egypt and the United States. Most types have shiny, light green leaves and a pungent, slightly sweet aroma.

Its relation to the mint family is obvious, since basil possesses a minty flavor and odor.

The fresh leaves are about 5 cm ling and 2 cm wide. At home, it has become one of the popular herbs on the garden and in the kitchen.

Basil is one of the most widely used herbs for seasoning tomatoes and tomato sauces, basil plays a key role in Mediterranean, Asian, and Middle Eastern cuisine.

The favor of basil depends not only on the variety, but on growing conditions and the stage at which it is harvested. It has a rich and spicy, mildly peppery flavor with a trace of mint and clove. For the best flavor use fresh leaves, but frozen and dried leaves are acceptable.

Basil particularly complements the flavor of garlic and olives. It is also pleasing combined with lemon.
Basil – herb of the mint family 

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